One or Two Groups for Dry Cows?

  For the best health possible for dry cows, does it pay to have two groups? A transition and an early group? or is it better just to have one group? Well, like everything else with dairy operations, it depends. Weird hearing that from a nutritionist, right? But...

Like a Hug

This little calf is lucky. She was born healthy, drank her colostrum and stood right away on her own. Other calves aren’t so lucky. They are born after a traumatic birth or C-section and are weak, clumsy, and won’t drink. They are difficult to raise, and...

Spring Checklist

 I may be fooled yet, but it looks like spring is going to arrive a little early this year. Before you know it, spring work will start, followed by cutting first crop. It can be a crazy time of year. In the rush to get the equipment ready for field work, some details...

Colostrum: It does the body good

I don’t really need to tell you how important colostrum is-you’ve probably heard it before. But did you know how important? Colostrum delivers, along with Igs ( immunoglobulins), important steroids such as insulin, prolactin and leptin. These steroids...

Reigning in Wild Yeast

 It’s getting warmer-which is great! But the feed is heating up too…more than it should. This is the time of year wild yeast waits for.  Wild yeast that was in the feed when it was put up, can suddenly explode in warmer weather. Unfortunately, this...